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Articles on Jobs

Displaying 361 - 380 of 454 articles

Western Australia’s government hopes its workers will look away from the mining sector towards industries like tourism and health. Daniel Munoz/Reuters

Western Australia’s economic future remains uncertain after the mining boom: study

Mining will continue to be a dominant force in Western Australia’s future but the health sector is the more likely to deliver jobs and growth than tourism or agriculture, new research shows.
We are experiencing a proportional decline of men in Australian primary schools. from

We need to rethink recruitment for men in primary schools

We have scholarships specifically targeted at women to redress the gender imbalance in STEM subjects. So why can’t we do the same for men in primary education?
Some auto manufacturing workers, like those from Ford’s plant in Geelong, want to find work in manufacturing after the closure of the industry, a survey has found. Julian Smith/AAP

Ford workers willing but unlikely to find decent jobs: study

Auto manufacturing workers will face significant problems in finding new jobs after the closure of the Ford and Holden plants, a new survey has found.
Tankiso Motaung, an unemployed South African university graduate, takes his hunt for a job to the street in Johannesburg. The Star/Paballo Thekiso

Class and race shape how young South Africans access the job market

Many young South Africans struggle to get a job due to the high levels of unemployment. But access to information, which is influenced by race and class, increases the chances of getting employed.
There could be plenty of demand from the space tour guides of the near future. Flickr/Pedro Vezini

Want to be a space tour guide? Apply here… in 2025

Space tourists will need someone to show them around. This is just one of several jobs that currently don’t exist but are expected to be a reality with in a decade.
Three more years for Malcolm Turnbull and the Coalition. AAP/David Moir

Election 2016: what will a re-elected Coalition government mean for key policy areas?

What’s in store for key policy areas, from health to education to infrastructure to asylum seekers, under a returned Coalition government?

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