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Artículos sobre Eating disorders

Mostrando 81 - 100 de 103 artículos

Like ‘thinspo’, ‘fitspo’ promotes unrealistic body types to women. Mamamia

Why the ‘fitspo’ movement is damaging to women

The ‘fitspo’ movement may be aiming to promote a healthier body image for women, but in truth it’s just another narrow set of ideals about what women should look like.
The World Health Organisation considers people with a BMI below 18.5 to be underweight and at risk of being malnourished. Jeanette Goodrich/Flickr

Weighing the evidence for banning skinny catwalk models

The French government is backing parliamentary plans to ban unhealthily thin models from catwalks, but do the bodies of these models really affect women’s self-image?
Just because Barbie has impossible proportions, does that mean playing with her will distort young girls’ body image? Flickr/Freddycat1

Is Barbie bad for body image?

Launched in 1959, named after the inventor’s daughter Barbara, and owned by 99% of 3-10 year old girls in the USA, Barbie has been a popular request on young girls’ Christmas wish lists for 55 years. So…
Valeria Lukyanova: a ‘thinspiration’ pin up. Youtube

Anorexia advocates turn medical condition into self-expression

Decoration and modification of the body have become a contemporary form of fashion. Aesthetic sensibilities once considered quite deviant (and now ordinary) commonly articulate our sense of self through…
Being tired is linked to eating unhealthy foods that may cause weight gain. Shuttershock

Does a bad night’s sleep make you likely to overeat?

Few people would argue with the idea that sleep is good for us, but not many of us know that a lack of sleep can cause weight gain. The health benefits of sleep are extremely well-documented. It provides…
Lowering insulin doses can have dangerous effects on the body. Jill A Brown

Diabulimia: health versus body image in type 1 diabetes

Many people around the world take insulin injections to manage their type 1 diabetes. Although it’s essential for their health, some dangerously manipulate their treatment to lose weight. Insulin is a…
Sufferers of internet disorder might find it starts to impose on real life, such as causing difficulties in socialising. Flickr/Fle

Five new mental disorders you could have under DSM-5

Since it was first published in 1952, the DSM has been the has been the diagnostic bible for many psychiatrists. Each time the manual is updated, new conditions are introduced, often amid much controversy…
Anorexia affects about 2% of women in their lifetime, although one in every ten sufferers is male. Darwin Bell

Epigenetics offers a glimmer of hope for future anorexia treatment

Most people know that anorexia nervosa is a psychiatric illness associated with the maintenance of low weight and fear of weight gain. But we know very little about what causes this destructive disease…
Despite being bombarded with messages promoting being thin, not all women respond in the same way. AAP

Desire to be thin linked to genetics

Eating disorders that stem from a desire to be thin can be blamed in part on genetics, according to a new US study. The study, published this week in the International Journal of Eating Disorders, found…
Eating disorders are more than fad diets gone wrong. Flickr -S

Explainer: anorexia and bulimia

Eating disorders are an increasing problem in children and adolescents. Recent Australian studies have indicated eating disorder behaviour has increased twofold in Australia in the last five years and…

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