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University of Glasgow

The University of Glasgow has been inspiring people to change the world for over 550 years and is a member of the prestigious Russell Group of leading UK research universities. As a world top 100 university with annual research income of more than £181m and overall student satisfaction rate of 91%, the University of Glasgow is committed to delivering world class research at the same time as the highest standards of teaching and education.


Displaying 121 - 140 of 591 articles

Zuma Press, Inc/Alamy

Así electrizó Miles Davis el jazz

La capacidad de Davis, de cuya muerte se cumplen ahora 30 años, para innovar e incorporar otros géneros a su jazz ha dejado una huella duradera en la música.
Vaccinating domestic dogs is a successful and cost-effective way to prevent rabies in dogs. Sarah Cleaveland

Vaccinating domestic dogs reduces rabies in the wild. Why this matters

Domestic dogs have been shown to be the only species necessary to maintain rabies across most of Africa. This means that dog vaccination should control the disease in all species.
The move to secondary school comes with big challenges. PA Images / Alamy Stock Photo

COVID-19 has made the transition from primary to secondary school harder. Here’s how parents can help

Making the jump from year six to year seven can be stressful, which only adds to the anxiety children feel from the pandemic. Support from parents and teachers alike is vital
A typical limestone karst landscape in China. Tony V3112/Shutterstock

How special soil observatories in China are helping to create more sustainable agriculture

Soil degradation is a huge challenge for farmers around the world. But new research is showing how farmers can balance crop yields with protecting the environment.
En France, le Conseil national du crédit a imposé des contrôles sur les prêts de 1948 à 1979 pour freiner la hausse des prix. The U.S. National Archives

Restreindre le crédit à la consommation, l’arme anti-inflation de l’après-guerre

Dans les années 1940, les États-Unis ou le Royaume-Uni ont durci les conditions d’accès aux prêts pour freiner la demande, le temps que l’industrie organise son retour à une activité normale.


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