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Education – Articles, Analysis, Comment

Displaying 801 - 825 of 2781 articles


Indigenous scholars struggle to be heard in the mainstream. Here’s how journal editors and reviewers can help

Mainstream academic publishing presents many obstacles to Indigenous authors, especially the conventional peer review process — but there are ways to overcome this.

We can’t close schools every time there’s a COVID outbreak. Our traffic light system shows what to do instead

We need a layered strategy — depending on the amount of community transmission – to ensure the response isn’t the same every time with each snap lockdown: to close schools. Here’s how to do it.

Thinking of switching to homeschooling permanently after lockdown? Here are 5 things to consider

If you’re considering homeschooling because your child seems to do better at home, but are unsure if it’s the right thing to do, here are five things to take into account.