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La philanthropie a largement participé au développement de l’entraide et au bien-vivre ensemble. À l'aube d'une nouvelle ère industrielle, elle est plus essentielle que jamais. Shutterstock

La philanthropie, la « science du don », plus essentielle que jamais

La philanthropie a largement participé au développement de l’entraide et au bien-vivre ensemble. À l'aube d'une nouvelle ère industrielle, elle est plus essentielle que jamais.
If citizens think they’ll personally and financially benefit from a carbon tax, maybe politicians would take action. Thomas Hafeneth/Unsplash

Want citizens to care about climate change? Write them a cheque

Millions of people worldwide are either indifferent to a carbon tax or opposed. If citizens were motivated by potential carbon dividends, maybe politicians would finally take action on climate change.
The movie ‘Children of Men,’ based on the book of the same name by P.D. James, shows how people come together in a tragedy.

Understanding apocalyptic events through literature

The end of times, and any small-scale apocalypse, has a special quality: that of distilling what is important from what is superficial and unnecessary.
Senior leaders need to move beyond design thinking as it’s often introduced in non-design-savvy settings, like business schools, and get to deep design thinking that inspires and ultimately produces results. (Shutterstock)

Beyond Post-it notes: How to drive innovation in 2019

Leaders in private and public organizations should seek creative problem-solving skills to better innovate. Design thinking may be the answer.
Deep acting at work could be a protective factor for employees in challenging situations, but it can also take a toll and lead to burnout.

How to let go of toxic workplace ‘emotional labour’

To protect employees from burnout, organizations should recognize which emotions are expected to be managed as a part of the job, and what situations generate emotional labour.
A person lights a candle to remember the victims of the Madrid train bombings in 2004. About 200 people were killed and over 1,800 were injured in a series of commuter train bombings in the Spanish capital March 11, 2004. (AP Photo/Denis Doyle)

The group dynamics that make terrorist teams work

There is a common misconception in the West that leaders of al-Qaida and ISIS are recruiting and brainwashing people into giving up their lives for the Jihad. This is an incorrect model.
In the 19th century, white families in the U.S. could easily acquire real estate. This was never the case for Black Americans. U.S. National Archives

The myth of the American Frontier still shapes U.S. racial divides

Old 19th-century agreements between the U.S. government which expelled Indigenous peoples from their land and gave it cheaply to white settlers continue to impact inequalities in the United States.
Durant les Fêtes, nous devons faire face à de nombreuses obligations, et bien souvent cela signifie passer du temps avec des gens qui nous horripilent et nous empêchent de nous ressourcer. Shutterstock

Comment survivre à sa famille casse-pieds durant les Fêtes?

Durant les Fêtes, nous devons faire face à de nombreuses obligations, et bien souvent cela signifie passer du temps avec des gens qui nous horripilent et nous empêchent de nous ressourcer.
Ontario Premier Doug Ford arrives to speak in Toronto on Dec. 12, 2018. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Frank Gunn

Doug Ford is wrong about minority-language services

Ontario’s premier is drawing faulty parallels between Franco-Ontarians and Anglo-Quebecers when it comes to the services available to them in each province.
The Ontario government tabled legislation Dec.6 which would increase the number of young children who can be cared for at once by home child care providers. The proposed legislation is as part of larger reform measures introduced under the Restoring Ontario’s Competitiveness Act that the province says will cut red tape for businesses. Shutterstock

The Ontario government’s plan to loosen child-care rules is dangerous

Low-income, less-educated parents with non-standard work schedules rely most on home child-care providers whose rules would be relaxed under proposed legislation.
Les médias nous bombardent de nouvelles études cliniques sensées démontrées un fait et son contraire. Mais les mesures d'évaluation utilisées et les échantillonnages sont-ils pertinents ? Shutterstock

Trois manières de devenir un consommateur de science averti

Les médias nous bombardent de nouvelles études cliniques sensées démontrées un fait et son contraire. Mais les mesures d'évaluation utilisées et les échantillonnages sont-ils pertinents ?
We may send fewer cards today, but those who do send them embrace it as part of the holiday experience and something that connects them more closely to those they care about. (Unsplash)

Greeting cards make a comeback

With the rise of digital communication, large greeting card companies have seen revenue declines. However, a smaller, vibrant craft industry in cards has emerged with a new younger customer.
Signs reading “Defend Democracy” and a call-to-action for a text shortcode related to impeachment rest in a Christmas tree during an “Impeach and Remove” rally, Dec. 17, 2019, at the Pedestrian Mall in Iowa City, Iowa. (Joseph Cress/Iowa City Press-Citizen via AP)

How to celebrate Christmas when there is so much misery

Leigh Hunt is a 19th-century writer who grappled with the still relevant question: How can we celebrate and enjoy ourselves at this time of the year when there is so much misery in the world?
As cannabis is legalized in Canada and parts of the United States, it’s worth looking back on the public health impact of the repeal of Prohibition laws in the United States. Grav/Unsplash

Legalizing once-illicit substances can have a public health impact

As cannabis is legalized in Canada and parts of the United States, it’s worth looking back on the public health impact of the repeal of alcohol Prohibition in the U.S.
Don’t fret if your kids are starting to doubt Santa’s magic. Coming to disbelieve is not particularly distressing for them and most come to their own conclusions.

The science of saying goodbye to Santa

When your kids stop believing, it’s probably harder on you than on them.
Reading recipes enhances vocabulary. Baking involves measurement, addition and subtraction. Slicing your personal pizza is a great way to explain fractions to your child. (Shutterstock)

The gift of cooking: Five fun and healthy recipe books for kids

Research shows that cooking with your kids helps them try more foods, eat more healthily and waste less food. It also offers opportunities to practise math and bond as a family.
The practise of ‘mindful eating’ can help you maximize the pleasure from rich holiday foods, without eating too much. (Shutterstock)

10 ways to indulge and stay healthy this holiday season

From going out dancing to choosing smaller plates, two nutrition researchers offer some tips for reaping the fun of the holidays without destroying your health.
U.S. President Donald Trump is seen here arguing with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi in the Oval Office of the White House, who are off-camera. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

The importance of thoughtful resistance in the age of Trump

To defeat Trumpism and movements like it, we can be either be part of the problem or part of the solution. Contemplative resistance that reflects on our own collective dysfunction is necessary.