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Addressing Canada’s health inequities through the health-care system will only take us so far. Real change will require listening to Indigenous stories, which teach about our relationships to one another as human beings, and between us and our four-legged, winged, finned, rooted and non-rooted relations. (Unsplash/jongsun lee)

Indigenous knowledge is the solution to Canada’s health inequities

To improve Indigenous health in Canada we need more Indigenous health professionals and more culturally competent health-care providers. We also need to listen properly to Indigenous stories.
Québec Premier Francois Legault, left, exchanges hockey jerseys with Ontario Premier Doug Ford at Queens Park, in Toronto on Nov. 19, 2018. Ford’s recent cuts to francophone services in Ontario haven’t spawned nearly the media outrage that Québec language moves have. (THE CANADIAN PRESS/Chris Young)

The English-Canadian media’s selective outrage on bilingualism

To read English-Canadian media, you would think that Québec’s anglophones are under greater threat than the rest of the country’s minority language communities. Why the selective outrage?
Protesters are seen outside an event Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was attending in Calgary on Nov. 22, 2018. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jeff McIntosh

Alberta oil communities need a transition plan, not new pipelines

Canada has joined the international community in calling for a transition away from fossil fuels. There is no reason to wait for more painful disruption before planning for that transition.
Laurie Nickel and her daughter Stephanie hold a protest sign during a union meeting after General Motors announced it would be closing its plant in Oshawa, Ont., that employs 2,500 people. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Eduardo Lima

GM closures: Oshawa needs more than ‘thoughts and prayers’

General Motors has announced it’s closing plants in Canada and the U.S. Many of the towns have built cars for decades or longer. A plant closing shatters people’s sense of belonging and identity.
Striking CEGEP students hold a demonstration to protest against unpaid internships in Montreal on Nov. 21, 2018. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Ryan Remiorz

To pay or not to pay: That’s the internship question

Legal or not, unpaid internships are likely to continue as long as people face barriers breaking into the workforce and some employers see the opportunity for free labour.
New research indicates women are much happier when they work with other women, as opposed to men. Here a scene from the set of ‘Ocean’s Eight’ with Cate Blanchett and Rihanna looking happy working together.

Women feel better when they work with other women

Men have defended gender segregation by treating women who cross over into male-dominated occupations with scorn and ridicule.
The coastline of Sulawesi, Indonesia, where languages and cultures are threatened by climate change. Anastasia Riehl

The impact of climate change on language loss

Approximately 7,000 languages are spoken in the world today, but only about half are expected to survive this century. One factor contributing to this loss is climate change.
Mexico’s President-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador speaks about the upcoming changes his administration will impose on national security during the national peace and security plan conference in Mexico City on Nov. 14, 2018. (AP Photo/Anthony Vazquez)

Mexico’s left turn and the road to uncertainty

The success or failure of Mexico’s new president will have an impact on politics in the rest of Latin America as right-wing forces reclaim power. Is a brighter future for the region possible?
A gargoyle, or grotesque, looks over Paris from the bell tower of Notre Dame. ChiccoDodiFC/Shutterstock

Dealing with the daily media dose of the grotesque

With internet platforms and social media increase our access to direct, unedited and unfiltered media coverage. This has been used to great effect to deliberately distort our understanding of events.
A team of Canadian therapists have filed an application with Health Canada seeking permission to provide psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy to patients with terminal cancer. (Shutterstock)

What if psychedelics could revolutionize the way you die?

Research shows therapeutic psilocybin to be a safe and effective antidote to end-of-life anxiety and depression. Does prohibition therefore violate our right to “life, liberty and security?”
The Canadian government wants to offer financial assistance to the news industry. How will it define what’s journalism? . THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jonathan Hayward

Funding journalism means defining who’s a journalist – not a bad thing

The Canadian government has announced a new policy of providing financial assistance to the country’s news industry. With any financial support will come a need to define who exactly is a journalist.
U.S. President Donald Trump is seen at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Fla., on Nov. 22, 2018. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

Trump’s fascist efforts to demolish democracy

Donald Trump’s relentless nods to fascism in his rhetoric requires us to form a language of resistance, rooted in compassion for others, justice and the confrontation of the forces of tyranny.
MBA programs that produce leaders who are committed to sustainability are on the rise. Here’s why Canada can lead the pack in turning out business leaders who can change the world. Baim Hanif/Unsplash

How today’s MBA graduates can help save the world

In a world where employees and consumers want businesses to be more sustainable, there’s a growing need for business leaders who share these values — and a new type of business education.
Children play soccer in the small town of Baker Lake, Nunavut in 2009. Research among children with arthritis globally shows that those residing in northern latitudes have abnormally low vitamin D levels. (THE CANADIAN PRESS/Nathan Denette)

Children with arthritis lack vitamin D

A new study points to a clear link between childhood arthritis and abnormally low levels of vitamin D, especially ion northern countries.
Terri-Lynne McClintic, convicted in the death of an eight-year-old girl, is escorted into court in Kitchener, Ont., in September 2012. News that McClintic was transferred to an Indigenous ‘healing lodge’ has stoked outrage. THE CANADIAN PRESS/ Geoff Robins

The folly of writing legislation in response to sensational crimes

The politically and emotionally charged court of public opinion is not the place to make policy changes in areas as complex as corrections.
Though agriculture is a necessity, we rarely take time to understand the realities of the farming industry and the farmers who toil on the land. Shutterstock

A moment to honour our dwindling farm communities

Changing demographics in small-scale farming have had a severe impact and affect farmer motivation, especially among youth
At least 54 countries prohibit the corporal punishment of children. Canada has neither prohibited corporal punishment, nor said it will. Shutterstock

Canada: What will it take to end physical punishment of children?

Until Canadians challenge the normalization of violence against children, we will continue to support, or at least tacitly condone, something that by all accounts is harmful.
Cannabis seedlings are shown at the new Aurora Cannabis facility, November 24, 2017 in Montréal. (THE CANADIAN PRESS/Ryan Remiorz)

Hope for cannabis as treatment for opioid addiction

Research shows that THC and CBD in cannabis have potential to interrupt the vicious cycle of opioid addiction, dependence, withdrawal and relapse.
Tinder profiles showcase different symbols depending on where you are in the world. In Brazil, woman display wealth, a sign of group affiliation. Here a scene from Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Andre Mendonca/Unsplash

Tinder profiles around the world: Same, same but different

Cultural differences play an important role in the experience of day to day activities, including online dating.
Left to right: Green Party Leader Elizabeth May, NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair, Bloc Quebecois Leader Gilles Duceppe, Conservative Leader Stephen Harper and Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau pose before the start of the French-language leaders’ debate in Montreal in September 2015. THE CANADIAN PRESS

A new debates commission is the electoral reform Canadians need

The creation of a new debate commission in Canada should ensure televised showdowns between party leaders amid federal election campaigns are transparent and a boon to democracy.