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Ontario PC leadership candidate Tanya Granic Allen arrives to participate in a debate in Ottawa in February 2018. Granic Allen was supported by the Campaign Life Coalition (CLC), and the organization said it recruited more than 9,000 PC memberships in support of her campaign to became the premier of Ontario. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Justin Tang

From America to Ontario: The political impact of the Christian right

Christian right groups in Canada may not have the same resources as their American counterparts. They are, nonetheless, attracting supporters by borrowing some U.S. tactics.
Migrants begin their day inside a former concert venue serving as a shelter, in Tijuana, Mexico, Dec. 2, 2018. (AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell)

The challenge of parenting in a migrant caravan

The psychological health of migrant children will be deeply impacted by their flight from gang violence, and the experience of crowded unhygienic conditions and tear gas at the U.S. border.
Ahed Tamimi is in a courtroom at the Ofer military prison near Jerusalem, Feb. 13, 2018. The Israeli military judge overseeing the trial of Palestinian teenager Tamimi ordered all proceedings to take place behind closed doors. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit)

Ahed and Malala: Why we revere some girl activists and not others

Why do we know the story of Malala, the Pakistani student who survived a brutal attack on her school by the Taliban but not the story of Ahed, a Palestinian girl who stood up to Israeli forces?
Un fléau de cuisines partout, Drosophila melanogaster - la mouche commune des fruits - fixe le microscope électronique qui a capturé son image. Shutterstock

Comment tuer les mouches à fruit, selon un scientifique

Comment débarrasser votre cuisine de ennuyeuses mouches à fruits ? Un scientifique nous donne ses trucs…
Barcelone est une ville où divers aspects «intelligents» contribuent à la vie de tous les jours. Photo by Tim Easley on Unsplash

Le cohabitat est-il l'avenir des villes ?

Lorsque les membres d’une communauté se regroupent pour créer leur propre quartier, ils optent pour une vie matériellement simple, mais relationnellement riche.
Comme tout employeur québécois, l’État ne peut exercer de discrimination fondée sur la religion dans le renvoi et les conditions de travail de ses employés. Il a l’obligation d’accommodement raisonnable. Shutterstock

Signes religieux : clause dérogatoire ou pas, l’État doit accommoder ses employés

Comme tout employeur, l’État ne peut exercer de discrimination fondée sur la religion dans le renvoi et les conditions de travail de ses employés. Il a une obligation d’accommodement raisonnable.
À mesure que l’IA se déploie dans la société, il y a un impact, qui peut être positif ou négatif. Le futur est entre nos mains. Shutterstock

L’IA pour le meilleur, sans le pire

À mesure que l’IA se déploie dans la société, il y a un impact, qui peut être positif ou négatif. À nous de choisir comment les choses se feront. Le futur est entre nos mains.
Des milliers d'évangéliques américains participent à un rally en faveur du candidat évangélique Franklin Graham, sur une place près du Capitol de Nashville, au Tennessee, le 3 mai 2016. (AP Photo/Erik Schelzig)

Qui sont les évangéliques et comment influencent-ils les élections ?

Soyons conscients du poids politique de la droite religieuse, même au Canada. Ces groupes savent comment se mobiliser autour de causes communes, et discrètement réseauter avec la classe politique.
‘Wait, we’re WHAT?’ Why laws that consider live-in couples to be married may be well-intentioned, but erode free choice and put pressure on relationships. Rawpixel/Unsplash

‘We’re WHAT?’ Why marriage default laws are misguided

Reforming laws relating to unmarried couples is long overdue. But it can also represent an affront couples’ autonomy and erodes the freedom to choose to live in non-marital situations.
Truly learning to code involves more than episodic experiences. Students should ideally develop a ‘coding mindset.’ Nesa by makers/Unsplash

The promise of the “learn to code” movement

Learning to code is often presented as a solution to job market problems of the 21st century, but are students really learning the competencies they will need?
The Guelph Mercury office in Guelph, Ont., is seen in January 2016 after the final print edition of the newspaper was published. Ottawa has announced initiatives to support local journalism, including a measure to classify nonprofit news organizations as charities, making it easier for them to attract donations. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Hannah Yoon

Nonprofit news: Lessons from south of the border

Canada has a lot to learn from the U.S. about nonprofit news. Here’s how nonprofit news organizations work in the United States. Spoiler alert: It’s all about collaboration.
Honduran migrant Elizabeth Umanzor hugs her six-year-old daughter Gina outside the tent where their family of five is sleeping at an sports complex sheltering more than 5,000 Central American migrants in Tijuana, Mexico, Nov. 28, 2018. (AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell)

How to develop the mental health care that refugees really need

Research shows that when refugees arrive in Canada they find a health system that is ill-equipped to meet their complex social and psychological needs.
A woman smokes a large joint in a Toronto park on Wednesday, October 17, 2018, as they mark the first day of legalization of cannabis across Canada. Lead Caption: Research shows that cannabis legalization is unlikely to either reduce criminal involvement or reduce availability to youth. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Chris Young

What’s the real reason the Canadian government legalized weed?

Research shows that cannabis legalization is unlikely to either reduce criminal involvement or availability to youth. Could legalization be a result of neoliberalism, or a way to woo young voters?
In this Oct. 31, 2018 photo, students dance atop a bus to music during a Vote for Our Lives rally at the University of Central Florida in Orlando, Fla. (AP Photo/John Raoux)

Why we should pay attention to the power of youth

Young people have the right, the skills and the numbers to make a difference in politics and society in North America and beyond. Their voices, energy and vision contribute to a healthy democracy.
A tribute to those lost from the community, people march with We Will Not Rest #UntilWe'reSafe t-shirts during Toronto Pride parade on June 24, 2018. Many feel the recent killings in Toronto might have received more attention had the victims not been homosexuals or racialized men. The Canadian Press/Cole Burston

Gay Village killings show there’s still tension between Toronto cops, LGBTQ community

The murder investigation of missing gay men in Toronto has raised questions of inequalities. A long view of police relationships with LGBTQ communities in Canada show that much progress has been made.
People living with HIV/AIDS all over the world are still struggling with stigma due to perceptions of the virus as dark and shameful. Here a Filipino man lights candles at a World AIDS Day even in Quezon city, Philippines in 2016. (AP Photo/Aaron Favila)

What you need to know about HIV/AIDS today

Researchers from the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS share the latest research on HIV prevention, treatment and stigma.
Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan, receive a “hongi,” a traditional Māori welcome, from Māori elders on the lawns of Government House in Wellington, New Zealand in October 2018. In New Zealand, Māori elect members to parliament from designated Māori constituencies – and the right to participate offers more than the ‘duty to consult’ in Canada. (AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth)

Lessons from New Zealand on the ‘duty to consult’ First Nations

In New Zealand, sovereignty is disputed, but the Maori case for sharing it with settlers underscores the limits of First Nations consultation in Canada.
Toronto police respond to an incident at St. Michael’s College School, in Toronto on November 19, 2018. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Tijana Martin

Responding to sexual violence in schools: What can educators learn?

A single solution can’t magically erase gender-based violence in schools, but if we start listening to students, we may hear new stories of masculinity and femininity echoing through school hallways.
MP Boissonnault attended World AIDS Day flag raising on Parliament Hill, Dec. 1 2017. Gov't of Canada/LGBTQ2 Secretariat

World AIDS Day: Let’s stop criminalizing HIV status

In Canada, people living with HIV can be charged with not disclosing their HIV status to their sexual partners. There is evidence that Black men suffer the most under this criminalization.
In this October 2018, photo, candles lit by activists protesting the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi are placed outside Saudi Arabia’s Consulate in Istanbul. (AP Photo/Lefteris Pitarakis)

Canada’s moral negligence in Jamal Khashoggi’s murder

Ottawa’s response to Jamal Khashoggi’s murder doubles down on “human rights” rhetoric while failing to take action. It’s a matter of the death of some in exchange for the livelihood of others.
Canada Post workers walk the picket line during a rotating strike in Halifax on Nov. 13, 2018. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Andrew Vaughan

Is back-to-work legislation unconstitutional?

Ottawa has ordered postal workers back on the job, but is it constitutional? We should be circumspect about intervening in the bargaining process and skeptical about claims it’s in the public good.
A Honduran migrant lies on a riverbank as Mexican police move away from tear gas fired by U.S. agents at the Mexico-U.S. border in Tijuana, Mexico, on Nov. 25, 2018. (AP Photo/Ramon Espinosa)

Donald Trump’s populism preys upon collective anxieties

President Donald Trump’s deployment of inflammatory rhetoric about immigration is now in action. Here’s why Canadians should be alarmed by populism that preys upon people’s insecurities.