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Un chat domestique faisant sa toilette. Une nouvelle étude démontre qu’il n'y a pas que le nettoyage en jeu… Image courtesy of Candler Hobbs (Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta).

Minou bien au frais: cette langue râpeuse sert à autre chose qu’au toilettage

Jusqu’à récemment, on ne savait pas pourquoi les langues de chats étaient si râpeuses. Le mystère est maintenant -partiellement- résolu. Il y a autre chose qui se passe quand le chat fait sa toilette.
En préparant les plats des fêtes, nous devenons nostalgiques, nous commémorons des époques révolues auxquelles nous cherchons symboliquement à nous rattacher. Mais pouvons-nous réinventer les traditions? Shutterstock

Aux Fêtes, êtes-vous un nostalgique alimentaire​?

En préparant les plats des fêtes, nous commémorons des époques révolues auxquelles nous cherchons symboliquement à nous rattacher. Mais pouvons-nous réinventer les traditions?
This photo from May 2018 shows Cyntoia Brown at her clemency hearing at the Tennessee Prison for Women in Nashville, Tenn. On Jan. 7, 2019, Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam granted executive clemency to Brown, serving a life sentence for a murder that happened after she was forced into sex work. (Lacy Atkins /The Tennessean via AP, Pool, File)

Clemency for Cyntoia Brown was long overdue

Cyntoia Brown has been granted clemency for killing a man when she was a teenager and forced into the sex trade. The case showed why the justice system must stop punishing women for defending themselves.
Meng Wanzhou, CFO of the Chinese tech giant Huawei, is shown arriving at a parole office in Vancouver on Dec. 12. Her arrest at the request of the U.S. officials has strained Canada-Chinese relations. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Darryl Dyck

Role reversal: China cites human rights in spat with Canada

China is influential, but would not have succeeded in changing the UN human rights system without quiet consent from countries who wished to trade with it, including Canada.
Children in the Willows forest nature program in the Humber Valley in west Toronto are drawn to water and sticks, simple materials for exploring and investigating. Here the children explore water accumulated from spring rains. (Louise Zimanyi)

Wonder and wisdom in a children’s forest nature program

When parents walk in the forest with their children and us and see how children are drawn to spiral snails, together we see how connections with the land are critical for the Earth’s future.
L’horaire des rendez-vous vise à maximiser la productivité médicale de façon à éviter de gaspiller de précieuses ressources. Mais il doit aussi tenter de minimiser l’attente des patients au bureau. shutterstock

Votre rendez-vous médical de 10h30 est-il vraiment pour… 11h15 ?

L’horaire des rendez-vous vise à maximiser la productivité médicale de façon à éviter de gaspiller de précieuses ressources. Mais il doit aussi tenter de minimiser l’attente des patients au bureau.
People march against pipelines in Smithers, B.C. in May 2014. Francois Depey/Office of the Wet'suwet'en

Is the next Standing Rock looming in northern B.C.?

The We'suwet'en First Nation is fighting the Coastal GasLink pipeline project, which would stretch nearly 700 kilometres across northern B.C. through their unceded land.
How much judges are paid is a thorny issue for governments. It shouldn’t be. Rawpixel/Unsplash

Why politics shouldn’t influence how much we pay judges

Secure and appropriate compensation for judges is a constitutionally recognized component of judicial independence. Here’s why politics must not be allowed to interfere with it.
The lack of political will to meet emission targets could see more extreme flooding in the future, like what happened the Québec community of Gatineau in 2017. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick

Emission targets: If there’s a (political) will, there’s a way

Achieving climate objectives is economically realistic, but won’t be possible without the support of a real transition strategy that is still lacking at all levels of government in Canada.
Paramedics bury a man who died of the Nipah virus in Kozhikode, southern India, in May 2018. There is no vaccine for the virus, which can cause raging fevers, convulsions and vomiting, and kills up to 75 per cent of people infected. (AP Photo/K.Shijith)

‘One Health’ keeps humans one step ahead of the microbes

As new viruses “jump” from wildlife to humans and we struggle with antimicrobial resistance and even climate change, a new interdisciplinary approach to human health might just save the day.
Notre arsenal d’antibiotiques, jusqu’à présent efficace pour traiter la plupart des infections, devient inefficace face à certaines bactéries. D'ci 30 ans, ces infections pourraient tuer dix millions de personnes par an. shutterstock

Il faut revenir aux antibiotiques… intelligemment!

Notre arsenal d’antibiotiques le sera moins face à certaines bactéries. D'ci 30 ans, ces infections pourraient tuer dix millions de personnes par an.
The United Nations says people “left behind” include those vulnerable to the effects of climate change, but aren’t the furthest behind those damaging the environment? Here, a man rides a bicycle through a devastated Homs, Syria. Numerous studies say climate change was a factor in record-setting drought, one of several causes of the country’s civil war. AP Photo/Dusan Vranic

‘Leaving no one behind’ conveys a paternalistic approach to development

The United Nations Declaration on sustainable development stresses “leaving no-one behind,” but what about the factors that cause many to be behind in the first place?
Canadians seem not to want to talk about race and racism, deferring instead to ‘income’ and immigration status when it comes to measuring education success. LeonardoBurgos /Unsplash

Why won’t Canada collect data on race and student success?

News of Canada’s successful immigrant students glosses over important stories of racism, for example the ‘streaming’ of Black males. But without more data beyond Toronto, the story is hard to share.
Remote presence technology enables a medic to perform an ultrasound at the scene of accident. (University of Saskatchewan)

How robots are helping doctors save lives in the Canadian North

A remote medicine program in Saskatchewan allows acutely ill children and pregnant women to be treated by specialist doctors, without leaving their communities.
Sur vos mains, vos télécommandes ou vos poignées de porte, le virus de la grippe est partout. Un scientifique nous dit comment l'éliminer de votre foyer. shutterstock

Voici comment éradiquer le virus de la grippe de votre foyer

Sur vos mains, vos télécommandes ou vos poignées de porte, le virus de la grippe est partout. Un scientifique nous dit comment l'éliminer de votre foyer.
Brian Harriman, le président et PDG de Cannabis NB, montre quelques produits du cannabis, dans une succursale de Fredericton, au NB, mardi le 16 octobre 2018. Presse Canadienne /Stephen MacGillivray

Le cannabis légal peut-il concurrencer le marché noir ?

La légalisation du cannabis provoque l'émergence d'une féroce compétition entre le marché du cannabis légal et le marché noir. Les producteurs, détaillants et gouvernements devront s’adapter.
Coal smokestacks are seen peeking through the clouds in Kentucky. Both Canada and the U.S. need Green New Deals to help create healthy and sustainable economies that are no longer reliant on fossil fuels. Nik Shuliahin/Unsplash

Canada needs its own Green New Deal

A Green New Deal would confront both climate change and social inequality. Its prospects in the United States are uncertain, but Canada should endeavour to develop one of its own anyway.
Eleanor Roosevelt, Chairman of Human Rights Commission, and Charles Malik, Chairman of the General Assembly’s Third Committee (second from right), during a press conference after the completion of the Declaration of Human Rights in December 1948. UN Photo

Seventy years of international human rights

Dec. 10, 2018 is the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, proclaimed in 1948 by the United Nations General Assembly.