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In this Nov. 25, 2018 photo, a Honduran migrant converses with U.S border agents on the other side of razor wire after they fired tear gas at migrants pressuring to cross into the U.S. from Tijuana, Mexico. (AP Photo/Ramon Espinosa)

The bogus demonization of the ‘migrant caravan’

The Donald Trump administration is repelling asylum-seekers by any means necessary, treating them as invaders and using military rhetoric to demonize them. It’s time for reality to prevail.
Les filles et les jeunes femmes continuent à être insuffisamment actives physiquement et l’écart avec les hommes s’élargit. Elles ont une relation complexe avec l’activité physique et avec leur corps. Shutterstock

Il faut inciter les filles et les jeunes femmes à aller jouer dehors… dans la nature

Les filles et les jeunes femmes continuent à être insuffisamment actives physiquement et l’écart avec les hommes s’élargit. Elles ont une relation complexe avec l’activité physique et avec leur corps.
A family of Ahiarmiut, including David Serkoak pictured behind his mother Mary Qahug Miki (centre) at Ennadai Lake in the mid-50s before the Canadian government forcefully relocation them.

Canada’s genocide: The case of the Ahiarmiut

Once we understand genocide as something that can take awhile, with victims dying of starvation and disease rather than outright murder, we can recognize the genocide of Indigenous peoples in Canada.
Research shows that so-called angel investors who write cheques to startups have a much bigger and more positive impact than governments providing ‘founding’ help to entrepreneurs. (Shutterstock)

Angel investors, not entrepreneurs, need government support

New research shows supporting angel investors, rather than giving startups ‘founding’ help, fosters entrepreneurship.
Canadian speed skater and cyclist Clara Hughes is the only athlete in history to win multiple medals at both winter and summer Olympic Games. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Darryl Dyck

The surprising role of childhood trauma in athletic success

Canadian speed skater and cyclist Clara Hughes, British tennis player Andy Murray and American gymnast Simone Biles all have something in common: adverse childhood experiences.
Protesters in front the Supreme Court of Canada in 2013 when the court was hearing arguments on the constitutionality of Canada’s prostitution laws. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick

Canada’s laws designed to deter prostitution, not keep sex workers safe

Canada’s prostitution laws are based on the idea that prostitution is dangerous. Legalizing prostitution doesn’t eliminate the risks of violence and psychological harm.
Les inondations du 8 mai 2017 ont été désastreuses à Gatineau, comme ailleurs en Amérique du Nord. Les signes que le climat s'affole sont de plus en plus nombreux. Shutterstock

Transition énergétique: y a-t-il une réelle volonté politique ?

Si l’atteinte des objectifs climatiques de 2030 et 2050 est économiquement réaliste, la transformation exigée est profonde. Elle ne pourra réussir dans l'appui d'une réelle stratégie de transition.
Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) members stand on picket line in Halifax in October 2018 after a call for a series of rotating 24-hour strikes. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Ted Pritchard

Back-to-work legislation may come back to haunt Justin Trudeau

Ordering Canada’s postal workers back on the job may hurt Justin Trudeau. CUPW could direct its anger directly at the Trudeau Liberals ahead of the 2019 federal election.
The growing trend of sexualised injection meth use — colloquially referred to as ‘slamming’ — is a growing public health concern due to the dual risk of transmission of HIV and other blood-borne viruses via both injection and sexual transmission. (Shutterstock)

Gay men who use crystal meth need integrated care

The sexualized use of crystal meth by gay men is one of the key drivers of rising HIV rates and has many negative mental health consequences. Integrated sexual and substance use care is vital.
Tumblr’s new rules will likely shut much of the LGBTQ youth activity. Here a chaptered LGBTQ youth themed comic on Tumblr. Akshay Varaham

Why Tumblr’s ban on adult content is bad for LGBTQ youth

LGBTQ youth use Tumblr more frequently than others. The platform has provided a safe space for youth to explore sexual identities and find crucial support. A new regulating policy may change all that.
Learning in community is linked to better academic performance and gains in skill, competence and knowledge as well as overall satisfaction with university experience. Pictured here, a regular discussion and learning event at Concordia University.

Why universities need homerooms

Undergraduate students need a learning community that meets throughout their degrees for workshops and community-building. Such a post-secondary ‘homeroom’ could multiply positive connections.
Nadia Murad, co-récipiendaire du Prix Nobel de la Paix 2018, lors de la conférence de presse du National Press Club de Washington, D.C., le 8 octobre 2018. (AP Photos)

Le Canada doit engager des poursuites judiciaires contre les combattants de l’EI qui rentrent au pays

Si le Canada prend vraiment au sérieux les règles de justice internationale, les droits de la personne et l'ordre international, il doit poursuivre en justice ses citoyens qui ont combattu pour l'EI.
A woman places a rose on a memorial of one of the 14 women murdered at École Polytechnique on Dec. 6, 1989. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Graham Hughes

The 1989 Polytechnique Massacre was an act of terrorism against all women

When 14 women were killed at École Polytechnique in 1989, no one at the time considered it an act of terrorism. Three decades later, that’s exactly how it should be viewed.
Lorelei Williams, dont la cousine Tanya Holyk a été assassinée par le tueur en série Robert Pickton, et la tante Belinda Williams a disparu en 1978, répond au rapport de l'Enquête nationale sur les femmes et les filles autochtones disparues et assassinées, le 3 juin 2019 à Vancouver. La Presse Canadienne/Darryl Dyck

Peut-on décoloniser le Canada ?

La régénération culturelle, spirituelle, économique et politique des nations autochtones passe d’abord et avant tout par une prise en charge par ces nations de leur propre destinée.
Morningstar Mercredi, pictured on November 16, 2018, woke up from a surgery at 14 and discovered her developing baby was gone. What remained was an incision from her panty line to her belly button, cut without her permission. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jason Franson

Canada’s shameful history of sterilizing Indigenous women

Recent revelations of the coerced sterilization of Indigenous women in Canada are part of a long, complex and disturbing history – in which feminism became a fight to keep one’s own children.
Hundreds of people march in Vancouver to protest against corporate greed as part of the global Occupy movement in October 2011. (Shutterstock)

Corporate welfare bums: It’s payback time

Canada’s welfare state is disintegrating while corporate welfare soars. In an era of climate crisis, precarious work and instability, it’s time the corporate welfare bums paid us back.
Une nouvelle enseigne a été dévoilée au parc du 6 décembre pour commémorer le 30e anniversaire du massacre de l'École Polytechnique en 1989, jeudi le 5 décembre 2019 à Montréal. Le nouveau panneau mentionne maintenant qu'il s'agissait d'une attaque contre les femmes et les féministes. La Presse Canadienne/Ryan Remiorz

Polytechnique, 30 ans plus tard : un premier attentat antiféministe, enfin nommé comme tel

Cela aura pris trente ans avant que l'on nomme officiellement le massacre de Polytechnique pour ce qu'il était: un attentat anti-féministe.
An NGO representative stands in front of a replica of the Eiffel Tower at the Paris climate change conference in December 2015. (Michel Euler/AP Photo)

The Climate Clock: Counting down to 1.5°C

We are on track to reach 1.5°C of global warming within 16 years according to new data.
People gather at a memorial ceremony to honour the 13 students and one staff member killed at the École Polytechnique Massacre, Tuesday, December 6, 2016 in Montreal. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Ryan Remiorz

Less talk, more action: National Day of Remembrance on Violence Against Women

The day of remembrance and action, also called White Ribbon Day, marks the anniversary of the murders of 14 female engineering students killed in 1989 at l'École Polytechnique de Montréal.
As AI is deployed in society, there is an impact that can be positive or negative. The future is in our hands. Shutterstock

The Montréal Declaration: Why we must develop AI responsibly

The Montréal Declaration calls for the responsible development of artificial intelligence. A world expert explains why scientists must choose how their expertise will benefit society.
Est-ce que votre fille oublie ses choses un peu partout? Les méthodes d'évaluation du TDAH utilisent des données testées sur les garçons, de sorte que les filles sont sous-diagnostiquées. (Shutterstock)

14 signes que votre fille a peut-être un TDAH

Les méthodes d'évaluation du TDAH utilisent des données testées sur les garçons, de sorte que les filles sont sous-diagnostiquées. Et les conséquences peuvent être désastreuses pour elles.
Residents stand near rescued Rohingya men after they were brought ashore by local fishermen in Kuala Idi, Aceh province, Indonesia on Dec. 4, 2018. A wooden boat carrying the hungry and weak Rohingya Muslims, forced to flee Myanmar and Bangladesh, was found adrift. (AP Photo/Iskandar Ishak)

The world’s disturbing inaction as the Genocide Convention turns 70

The UN’s Genocide Convention turns 70 this month. It’s time for the world to reaffirm its commitment to the international law and show the moral courage of our convictions.
Indigenous youth planning on attending post-secondary education would benefit from appropriate financial literacy information. Here students Cheyenne Wilson, 13, Roy Joseph, 13, centre, and Connor Roberts, 13, after attending a presentation by B.C.’s representative for Children and Youth at Shoreline Community School in Victoria, B.C., on May 15, 2018. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Chad Hipolito

Financial empowerment is the road to success for Indigenous youth

Indigenous entrepreneurship is growing at a rate six times faster than the general Canadian population and it is 10 years younger. Culturally relevant financial literacy is critical to its success.