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Critics and audiences of the Oscar-nominated film Roma may be missing important Mexican historical and cultural facts.

The Oscars: what you may have missed in ‘Roma’

Director Alfonso Cuarón’s ‘Roma’ has received 10 Oscar nominations. Here, a sociologist explains the hidden historical and cultural context of the film.
From the perspective of international students’ parents, working with the education agent is reassuring because the agent can understand both context and language and thus help navigate a huge emotional and financial decision. Shutterstock

School agents benefit both Canada and China

Education agents play a significant role in the fact that China is the number one source country of international students who study in Canada.
When it comes to urban planning, the question is not so much how to physically plan our cities differently. Rather, the question is how to convince both the public and our politicians to implement change. Patrick Tomasso /Unsplash

Existentialism: A guiding philosophy for tackling climate change in cities?

City planners and politicians have pitched carbon emission reduction as an individual choice but this leads to green gentrification and fails to make broad changes. We need a new guiding philosophy.
Body ideals can often lead gay men into feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem and depression. The photographer captioned this image, ‘You just want to go in the fetal position and you kind of feel alone.’ (Moe)

How body ideals shape the health of gay men

In this photography-based research project, gay men document their struggles with body image, and challenge current beauty standards.
Although there is a global war on gender studies, women’s movements around the world continue to resist. Here people shout slogans during a protest at the Sol square during the International Women’s Day in Madrid, March 8, 2018. (AP Photo/Francisco Seco)

The new war on gender studies

A bomb threat outside a gender research institute in Sweden is just one sign that things are escalating in the long battle for global gender equality.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks about the federal government’s newly imposed carbon tax at an event in Toronto in October 2018. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Nathan Denette

Rethinking Canada’s climate policy from the ground up

Canada’s top-down approach to designing its climate policy has failed. It needs to find ways to engage with individuals.
Based in Québec, Porte Parole led by Annabel Soutar has toured and run several documentary theatre shows. Pictured here, ‘The Watershed,’ a docudrama about the politics of water in Canada. Porte Parole

In the post-truth era, documentary theatre searches for common ground

Reality based theatre is one way artists are challenging the lies put out by politicians like U.S. President Donald Trump, who exploits our contemporary insecurities.
A recent study estimates that high temperatures and drought will lead to drastic losses for all major food crops, including maize and wheat. (Shutterstock)

Microbial aromas might save crops from drought

The microbes living in the soils around plant roots can help plants deal with a variety of stresses.
Les chimistes sont généralement représentés dans l’imaginaire comme des scientifiques fous, faisant de la magie noire et des explosions. Pourtant, les produits chimiques sont à la base du monde qui nous entoure. Shutterstock

Cinq idées fausses sur la chimie… et les chimistes!

La chimie est un formidable domaine de connaissance, de découverte et un puissant outil de transformation. Pourquoi les produits chimiques, présents partout, suscitent-ils tant de méfiance?
In this December 2009 file photo, a member of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK, trains on a weapon at their camp in the Qandil mountains near the Turkish border with northern Iraq. (AP Photo/Yahya Ahmed)

The elusive quest for peace between the Turks and the Kurds

Why did negotiations between the Turkish state and the Kurds, aimed at mitigating ethnic conflict and bringing about peace, fail in Turkey?
Actors in a theatre of the oppressed show invite the audience to weigh in on events and change the script. edwin andrade/unsplash

Acting out: theatre class where students rehearse for change

Not just for would-be actors: Theatre of the Oppressed is a unique genre of drama education through which students learn how to analyze social problems and change typical outcomes.
Easy access to government documents is essential to a healthy democracy. As a federal election approaches, Canada needs to do better. (Shutterstock)

With election ahead, we need to make public records truly public

As a Canadian federal election year dawns, an alternative approach to freedom-of-information legislation is an urgent need.
Young people in temporary or continuing care need to be provided with educational enrichment programs to help identify learning challenges, remediate education deficits and foster a sense of connectedness. Shutterstock

Youth leaving state care need education support

Amid long-standing societal and policy issues that need to be addressed, young people in care deserve special consideration and focused attention regarding how to meet their educational needs.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau meets British Prime Minister Theresa May at the G20 Summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on Dec. 1, 2018. Post-Brexit, Canada and the U.K. have a chance to transform their economies by working together. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick

Post-Brexit, the U.K. and Canada can fuel global sustainability

As 2019 dawns, a worldwide circular economy could be created through international trade and trade agreements like the one that could be forged between Canada and the U.K., post-Brexit.
La philanthropie a largement participé au développement de l’entraide et au bien-vivre ensemble. À l'aube d'une nouvelle ère industrielle, elle est plus essentielle que jamais. Shutterstock

La philanthropie, la « science du don », plus essentielle que jamais

La philanthropie a largement participé au développement de l’entraide et au bien-vivre ensemble. À l'aube d'une nouvelle ère industrielle, elle est plus essentielle que jamais.
If citizens think they’ll personally and financially benefit from a carbon tax, maybe politicians would take action. Thomas Hafeneth/Unsplash

Want citizens to care about climate change? Write them a cheque

Millions of people worldwide are either indifferent to a carbon tax or opposed. If citizens were motivated by potential carbon dividends, maybe politicians would finally take action on climate change.
The movie ‘Children of Men,’ based on the book of the same name by P.D. James, shows how people come together in a tragedy.

Understanding apocalyptic events through literature

The end of times, and any small-scale apocalypse, has a special quality: that of distilling what is important from what is superficial and unnecessary.