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Articles on Climate change

Displaying 4821 - 4840 of 6970 articles

As the world prevaricates over climate action, Antarctica’s future is shrouded in uncertainty. Hamish Pritchard/British Antarctic Survey

Antarctica has lost 3 trillion tonnes of ice in 25 years. Time is running out for the frozen continent

What will Antarctica look like in 2070? Will the icy wilderness we know today survive, or will it succumb to climate change and human pressure? Our choices over the coming decade will seal its fate.
The northeast edge of the Venable Ice Shelf, near Antarctica’s Allison Peninsula. NASA/John Sonntag

Short-term changes in Antarctica’s ice shelves are key to predicting their long-term fate

Last summer one of Antarctica’s floating ice shelves calved an iceberg the size of Delaware – but scientists say other less dramatic changes reveal more about how and why Antarctica is changing.
A large dust storm, or haboob, sweeps across downtown Phoenix on July 21, 2012. AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin, File

Increased deaths and illnesses from inhaling airborne dust: An understudied impact of climate change

New research projects that climate change could greatly increase airborne dust levels in the southwestern US, causing higher hospital admissions and premature deaths from heart and lung ailments.
Small aircraft carry scientists high above the Southern Alps to survey glacier changes. Hamish McCormick/NIWA

A bird’s eye view of New Zealand’s changing glaciers

Forty years of continuous end-of-summer snowline monitoring of New Zealand’s glaciers brings the issue of human-induced climate change into tight focus.
Demonstrators protest the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion – and compare Justin Trudeau to Donald Trump – at a gathering in Vancouver on May 29, 2018. The controversy over the pipeline requires a national compromise. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Darryl Dyck

Canadians deserve a real pipeline compromise

The Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion is fast becoming one of the most divisive issues in Canadian politics in years. Here’s how a compromise can be reached.
A aerial view of Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain marine terminal, in Burnaby, B.C., is shown on Tues., May 29, 2018. (Jonathan Hayward/THE CANADIAN PRESS)

Canada’s Paris-pipeline paradox

Canada wants to move towards a green economy and meet its Paris Agreement targets, but it has also just taken ownership of a pipeline. How can the federal government deal with this paradox?
According to a recent report, New Zealand will need to increase renewable electricity generation, plant more trees and continue switching to electric transport more rapidly to achieve its zero carbon goal by 2050. from

New Zealand’s productivity commission charts course to low-emission future

New Zealand has set itself a goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2050, and a recent report by the Productivity Commission lays out how it could hit that target.
People listen during a protest against the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain pipeline expansion on May 29, 2018. The federal government’s decision to buy the project doesn’t inspire confidence for potential investors eyeing Canada. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Darryl Dyck

What the Kinder Morgan decision says about investing in Canada

The decision of the Canadian government to purchase the $4.5 billion Kinder Morgan pipeline expansion project doesn’t exactly instil confidence in Canada’s investment climate.
A protester holds a photo of an oil-soaked Prime Minister Justin Trudeau during a demonstration against the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion in Vancouver on May 29, 2018. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Darryl Dyck

Justin Trudeau’s risky gamble on the Trans Mountain pipeline

The Trudeau government’s decision to buy the Trans Mountain pipeline from Kinder Morgan is incredibly risky. Here’s why.

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