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Articles on Fruit and vegetables

Displaying 21 - 40 of 48 articles

Yes, fruit juice contains natural sugar, but it has other benefits over sugar-sweetened drinks. Carlos Horta/Shutterstock

Pure fruit juice: healthy, or not?

People often avoid fruit juice due to its sugar content and low fibre, but it still contains lots of good chemicals our bodies need.
Women selling farm produce in Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria. (Shutterstock)

Games boost student nutrition in Nigerian schools

Obesity and malnutrition now coexist across sub-Saharan Africa thanks to a transition to Western diets. “Gamifying” nutrition programs can help nudge youth towards healthier eating patterns.
Shifting your diet away from processed foods and towards fruits and vegetables can reduce symptoms of asthma. from

Food as medicine: how what you eat shapes the health of your lungs

Upping your intake of vegetables and fruits can do more than just reduce your risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer – it could also help you breathe easier.
Scurvy was common in sailors on long voyages who were deprived of citrus fruit and vegetables. from

Explainer: what is scurvy and is it making a comeback?

Scurvy is a historical disease caused by severe and chronic deficiency of vitamin C. Its recent reemergence is a poor reflection of the nation’s diet.
Most people aspire to eat a healthy diet. But things change when we get to the supermarket. Vladyslav Starozhylov/Shutterstock

How we get sucked in by junk food specials in supermarkets

Three in five Australian adults get sucked in by promotions and specials on junk food and sugary drinks at the supermarket, research released today shows.

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