Hiring managers in the food service industry often emphasize the importance of finding the right “fit” when hiring new employees. But does everyone have the same chance to fit in?
Checking references has long been a part of the hiring process but it should only ever be one of a series of steps taken to assess someone’s qualifications.
Using technology to screen job applicants might be faster than reading CVs and face- to-face interviews but the most suitable candidate could be overlooked.
People who object to affirmative action were more likely to discriminate against job candidates with Black-sounding names than those who supported it, whether or not they had to rush.
When CEOs and workplace leaders communicate their personal values and ethics clearly, they inspire individuals to want to work for their organizations.
Workplaces are increasingly recognizing that productive employees seek out workplaces that prioritize mental well-being and offer flexible working conditions.
A recent study about hiring practices sheds light on why some jobs change between when a decision is made to hire someone, and the actual hiring process itself.
Two scholars of corporate do-goodery suggest a hidden driver of corporate decisions to leave Russia is the global trend in which record numbers of workers are quitting their jobs.