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Artículos sobre Tourism

Mostrando 321 - 340 de 517 artículos

As Mark Twain once said, ‘Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.’ Jake Simonds-Malamud

It’s time for a new approach to travel

Globalism has made it easier than ever to visit faraway places – and easier to never really leave home while you’re there.
RyanAir like most airlines ise price discrimination techniques to attract customers. Find out how. Pxhere

A traveller’s guide to airline price discrimination

Price discrimination is a strategy companies use to charge different prices to consumers for the same or similar product or service. How does it work?
Urban Light by Christ Burden at Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Rabbit Town displays a similar installation that allegedly copies Burden’s work. Terry Robinscon/Flickr

Redefining travel at Indonesia’s selfie destination, Rabbit Town

Travelling will never be the same with the advances of communication technology. The recently opened theme park Rabbit Town shows this.
Volunteer tourism should be subject to checks and balances, with host communities firmly in the driver’s seat. Shutterstock

Power to the hosts: how to fix volunteer tourism

Volunteer tourism is often criticised for focusing on profit and volunteer experience. But improving monitoring and evaluation and putting host communities in charge can make it more sustainable.
Within a little more than a decade following the 1978 riot, the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Festival and Parade nourished the emergence of a budding gay and lesbian tourism industry.

How the histories of Mardi Gras and gay tourism in Australia are intertwined

If intelligently managed, festivals attract substantial numbers of LGBT tourists to regional and rural destinations, injecting additional income into the local economies.

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