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Artikel-artikel mengenai Behaviour

Menampilkan 61 - 80 dari 134 artikel

Trolls tend to downplay the impact of their abusive online behaviour on their victims and seem to relish the mayhem they cause. Let’s use this to help them lift their game. from

How empathy can make or break a troll

Trolls tend to know the impact they’ll have, but don’t seem to care. So, how do we use our new findings to help stop this seemingly pointless, harmful behaviour?
Swimming in synchrony is a fundamental social behaviour for dolphins and is thought to reinforce their bonds. Parc Astérix

Synchronised swimming makes dolphins more optimistic

A new study of captive dolphins has found that those engaging in synchronised swimming make more optimistic judgements about an unknown event.
If you want your New Year’s resolutions to last longer than the party, you need to create new habits. But how? from

A behaviourist’s guide to New Year’s resolutions

If you want to stick to your New Year’s resolutions, a behaviourist’s approach might help you create and keep new, healthy habits.
The logic is that violence is a choice, so men can be reasonably expected to stop. luxorphoto/Shutterstock

To stop domestic violence, we need to change perpetrators’ behaviour

Thousands of Australian men are sitting on waiting lists every year to get help to end their violent behaviour – even though behaviour change programs can reduce their likelihood of offending again.
Games like Pokémon GO cleverly exploit our psychology in the way they dole our rewards to keep players hooked. Shutterstock

The power of rewards and why we seek them out

The Pokemon GO craze has tapped in to our desire to seek out rewards. But there different types of rewards in life, each designed to capture our attention, even train our behaviour.

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