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Artikel-artikel mengenai Brands

Menampilkan 41 - 60 dari 61 artikel

Tobacco companies are adapting to Australia’s plain packaging laws by lowering prices and changing their marketing strategies. Chris Wattie/Reuters

How the tobacco industry is gaming Australian health regulations

Big tobacco companies have found a way around plain packaging with clever marketing techniques that undermine Australian regulations.
Esenna O'Neill’s dramatic departure from YouTube and Instragram was precipitated by her feelings of inauthenticity. Vimeo

When authenticity and advertising collide on social media

Essena O'Neill’s dramatic rejection of her successful social media channels raises important questions about how advertising and sponsored posts are regulated on social media.
Philip Kotler says the rise of social media is challenging the concept of brand loyalty. Gabriel Chmielewski/Mays Communications

Q&A: Philip Kotler on whether traditional marketing is dead

International marketing expert Philip Kotler is in Melbourne this week telling Australian companies how best to position their brands in the face of new global challenges. These challenges include the…
It’s a physical struggle in these skirts, but we always shop in store. Haute Couture News

Chanel opts out of fashion’s love affair with online shopping

In the world of luxury fashion, Chanel stands apart from the crowd. But it’s not the designs that make it different. The French luxury brand is one of the last few major labels that does not sell its clothes…
From China to the world: Chinese companies have relied on business-to-business sales, and haven’t developed well-known brands. EPA/Adrian Bradshaw

Manufacturing powerhouse China lagging on brand awareness

China manufactures an enormous amount of consumer goods. Its value to the global economy is estimated to be around US$7 trillion. But stigmatised as low cost, low quality products, Chinese brands have…
Pop singer Justin Bieber claims 38 million Twitter followers - but are these as manufactured as his music? AAP

Not a BeLieber - twitter followers fake it both in name and nature

How many Twitter followers do you have? As a rule of thumb, the worth of a conventional blog can be measured by the number of comments it accrues per posting. If comments are the social capital of blogs…

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