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Artikel-artikel mengenai E-commerce

Menampilkan 41 - 60 dari 68 artikel

U.S. President Donald Trump announces a revamped North American free trade deal in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington on Oct. 1, 2018. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

Make no mistake: The USMCA is an America-first trade deal

The USMCA, if ratified, will fundamentally alter North America’s political and economic structures, increasing American dominance over its neighbours.
Retailers have refocussed their attention on location – but not their location, your location. Shutterstock

Location and voice technology are the future of retail

We’re not going to stop wandering through shopping centres anytime soon, but mobile, micro-location and voice technologies are set to transform the retail experience.
Marketers are using your data to make predictions about what you’ll want, when. Shutterstock

How marketers use algorithms to (try to) read your mind

This is how marketers are taking advantage of customer data to build predictive algorithms, and even tailor their products and offerings.
Metropoles like Shanghai have survived and thrived in large part because of their massive populations. But what happens when people start to become a liability rather than an asset? Reuters/Aly Song

Can the world’s megacities survive the digital age?

Research shows that technology disrupts economies of scale, turning megacities’ huge populations from strength to liability. To survive, megacities, like companies, must adapt.
Shopping by smartphone is taking off. Credit card and mobile phone via

Cyber Monday gives a big boost to mobile commerce

Americans’ reliance on their smartphones and tablets will drive online shopping revenue to new heights – and could introduce new buying experiences as well.
Chinese businesses are unsure about how import duties will be applied, and so removed some imported products. Michael Reynolds/AAP

China’s e-commerce laws not a ‘crackdown’ but closing a loophole

China’s newly introduced “e-commerce laws” are actually just closing a loophole in regulation and shouldn’t be seen feared by Australian businesses trading with the country online.

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