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When we’re thinking about food security, it’s not enough to just think about subsistence; we also need creativity and participation. Alicia Rosello Gene

Having our cake and eating it too - the big picture on food security

Although Australia is a food exporting country, about 5% of Australian families suffer food insecurity - inadequate access to or supply of food, or inadequate food preparation. Many suffer diet-related…
Former Prime Minister John Howard is misinformed about the Australian history curriculum. AAP Image/Julian Smith

Howard’s history repeating: curriculum complaints nothing new

There is a great deal of derogatory, evidence-free and ill-informed opinion about how history is taught in Australian schools. But these tired arguments are so often repeated that we can actually put them…
Young people have the right to contribute to research about their lives. Anita & Greg/Flickr

Complexity and consent: the ethics of researching youth

Ethics by their very nature are tricky – if the morally right thing to do was clear-cut, we wouldn’t need to have ethical deliberations. Perhaps one of the most enduring ethical dilemmas is around questions…
Open-access journals are gaining credibility and prestige. rvm_71

Open access will change the world, if scientists want it to

While the Australian Research Council considers its policy on open-access publication and others within the scientific community call for the increased sharing of scientific data, the British are already…
Rates of diabetes amputations have risen 30% over the past decade. justinicus

How Australia can reduce diabetes-related amputations

Diabetes is arguably the nation’s greatest public health challenge, affecting over one million Australians. People with diabetes have high sugar levels in the blood which can damage nerves and blood vessels…
Mitt Romney, flanked by Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul during a Republican candidates’ debate last year, needs a strong performance in this month’s debates against Barack Obama to save his campaign. EPA/CJ Gunther

Presidential debates loom as Romney’s last best hope

The US presidential election is almost over before the best part – the presidential debates. With Barack Obama looking almost unbeatable at the beginning of October, Republican candidate Mitt Romney’s…
The ABC has claimed a mobile application called Python I-View contravenes its terms of use - but what are the copyright implications? AAP

Python-iView: copyright crusader or vigilante operative?

The ABC recently raised eyebrows when it wrote a cease-and-desist letter to Python i-View, a mobile application which allowed viewers of ABC’s popular iview to download and playback its content later on…
Recent surveys show many Australians have not filled a prescription because of cost. Robert S. Donovan

Why automating the PBS safety net will be good for everyone

A growing number of people globally live with chronic illness. By the time they reach 65, most Australians have at least one chronic condition and 80% have three or more. Pharmaceutical treatment is often…
“There is a dire need for new and more effective drugs to improve the quality of life of people with pain.” sedeer

Black mamba snake venom could hold the key to new pain therapies

One of the world’s most poisonous snakes might hold the key to new pain therapies in its venom. As ironic as that sounds, a protein component in black mamba venom called “mambalgin” has been shown – in…
Ranking universities is useful for only understanding the bigger picture. University image from

Limited numbers: what university rankings can (and can’t) tell us

The release of The Times Higher Education World University Rankings will be welcomed by many people in the Australian university sector. See the full list of The Times Higher Education World University…
People power: organisations can set themselves apart by effectively engaging with their short-term and long-term employees. Image from

Short-term gain or long-term pain? Finding HR solutions for a flexible workforce

A recent conference organised by the Australasian Talent Conference, Contingent - the new perm, puts an interesting spin on the need to develop more effective and efficient organisations. Its focus is…
Universities need to play closer attention to how they teach students, not just rankings. University image from

When rankings and research rules, students come last

The Times Higher Education rankings will be released tomorrow and universities around the world will be clamouring to find out how they place. As all academics know, rankings are closely tied to research…
Some of the techniques that form the armamentarium of myotherapy are supported by some positive evidence. o5com

Myotherapy: panacea or placebo?

PANACEA OR PLACEBO – A weekly series assessing the evidence behind complementary and alternative medicines. Myotherapy was developed by American Bonnie Prudden in the 1970s as a system of treating painful…
Male Gouldian finches are usually attracted to females with the same head colour … unless they’re blindfolded. Sarah Pryke

Tweet-twoo: beauty is in the (right) eye of the beholder

Choosing a mate is one of the most important decisions an individual of any species will make in its life. It is therefore perhaps a surprise that a new study, of which I’m a co-author, has revealed a…
The Great Barrier Reef may be huge and long-lived, but without intervention it’s in serious trouble. Landfeldt/Flickr

The decay of the Great Barrier Reef calls for a reckoning

There is a myth about Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, that goes like this: because it is so big, biodiverse, so well-managed and generally bloody awesome, the GBR is immune to climate change and other…
Relieved: Fortescue Metals Chairman Andrew Forrest wins his High Court appeal - but the message to ASIC is the need for greater transparency. AAP

Sharp message to ASIC as Forrest wins High Court appeal

Fortescue Metals Chairman Andrew Forrest can breathe a huge sigh of relief after winning his High Court appeal against a Federal Court finding that might have seen him banned as a company director. The…
The Legged Squad Support System has been designed to accompany war fighters into battle. Boston Dynamics

Meet Boston Dynamics’ LS3 – the latest robotic war machine

On first viewing Boston Dynamics’ latest creation, the LS3 (Legged Squad Support System), I could not help but be taken back to the AT-AT (All Terrain Armoured Transport) walker, as depicted in the Star…
Brigalow trees are vital for soil health and erosion control. They’re only just recovering from 19th century clearing. Why does the Queensland Government have it in for them? Arthur Chapman

Queensland land-clearing changes threaten trees farmers need

The Queensland State Government has recently proposed changes to the Vegetation Management Act 1999. Under the planned reforms, landowners will be able to clear and thin out vegetation using self-assessable…