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Articles on Cognition

Displaying 21 - 40 of 163 articles

Cognitive bias is alleged to have contributed to the downing of the Iran Air Flight 655 by the US navy, which killed 290 people in July 1988. Bandar Abbas/AFP

Training to reduce cognitive bias may improve decision making after all

It has long been thought one couldn’t bend one’s intuition. Recent research reveals it is in fact possible to reduce bias through training.
A cup of coffee might provide you some pep, but it won’t fully make up for lost sleep. nopponpat/iStock via Getty Images Plus

Can coffee or a nap make up for sleep deprivation? A psychologist explains why there’s no substitute for shut-eye

While a cup of joe or a brief nap during an all-nighter might help you feel a little more alert, it won’t offset cognitive impairments from sleep deprivation when you’re performing complex tasks.
Gliomas can form connections with distant areas of the brain, exploiting them for their own spread and growth. Andriy Onufriyenko/Moment via Getty Images

Brain tumors are cognitive parasites – how brain cancer hijacks neural circuits and causes cognitive decline

Glioblastoma is the most aggressive type of brain cancer, causing significant decline in cognitive function. New research suggests a common anti-seizure drug could help control tumor growth.
Some people don’t have the ability to create mental images, a condition called aphantasia, but can still experience visual imagery in their dreams. (Shutterstock)

We’re just starting to learn more about aphantasia, the inability to picture things with the mind’s eye

People with aphantasia are unable to deliberately bring to mind mental images. Understanding the mechanisms of aphantasia reveals that different types of cognition exist.
A class of inhibitory neurons can make long-distance connections across both hemispheres of the brain. akinbostanci/iStock via Getty Images Plus

Cognitive flexibility is essential to navigating a changing world – new research in mice shows how your brain learns new rules

Learning new rules requires the suppression of old ones. A better understanding of the brain circuits involved in behavioral adaptation could lead to new ways to treat schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
Dobble is a card game with rules that makes it sound easier than it actually is. Ana Belen Garcia Sanchez/Shutterstock

Dobble: what is the psychology behind the game?

Dobble is a card game that originated in France in 2009. It involves observation, articulation and speed.

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