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Articles on Teenagers

Displaying 141 - 160 of 292 articles

Boys practice baseball at a park in San Antonio de Guerra, a small municipality in the Dominican Republic. Reuters/Ricardo Rojas

The promise and peril of the Dominican baseball pipeline

Some of the best players in the world come from this small Caribbean nation, where an entire system of training young talent has blossomed. But few actually make it to the big leagues.
Harnessing adolescents’ readiness to help can be good for them and their communities. YAKOBCHUK VIACHESLAV/

Adolescents have a fundamental need to contribute

Teens get a bad rap as selfish, dangerous risk-takers. But neuroscience and psychology research is revising that image: Adolescents are primed to help those around them, with positive benefits for all.
Sleep deprivation among teens spiked after 2012 – just as smartphone use became common. GCapture/

Worry over kids’ excessive smartphone use is more justified than ever before

Some say the hysteria over screen time echoes parents’ worries that their kids were watching too much TV in the 1980s. But new studies show there’s nothing overblown about parents’ growing concern.
Teenagers should try to include a combination of aerobic activities (swimming or walking), strength training (sit ups or weight training) and flexibility training (yoga or stretching).

How much physical activity should teenagers do, and how can they get enough?

All Australians aged 13-17 are encouraged to do 60 minutes of physical activity a day.
Many teenagers have stopped using Facebook and have gravitated instead to image-sharing platforms like Instagram. (Alex Iby/Unsplash)

The social implications of teens leaving Facebook

Teens – especially wealthier ones – are walking away from Facebook, towards picture-centric social media.

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