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Artikel-artikel mengenai Meat

Menampilkan 141 - 160 dari 179 artikel

How many Australian children know what meat is before it shows up on their plate? Shutterstock

‘Mummy, where does steak come from?’ How Australian families talk about meat

We’re a nation of meat eaters but city dwellers may have trouble discussing the origin of a steak with their offspring. And though there are programs teaching children how vegetables grow, there aren’t too many that involve raising an animal for food.
In a sense, aren’t they one and the same? 'Heads' via

Why it’s impossible to actually be a vegetarian

When you think about it, it’s a bit strange to view food through a lens of “meat” and “not meat” – especially when plants consume animals, and vice versa.
A report released by the World Health Organisation has ranked red meat as probably carcinogenic to humans, possibly causing bowel cancer. Supplied

Cancer and meat – too much hype?

The World Health Organisation’s report on the increased cancer risk with eating processed and red meat has been met with mixed reactions.
Farming makes a huge contribution to global greenhouse emissions, mainly through methane from livestock. Billy Hathorn/Wikimedia Commons

Meat the future: new book sets out the effects of the world’s diet

Meat uses a lot of resources - between three and ten times as much as plants for the same amount of protein. The rich world might be slowly losing its taste for meat, but the developing world isn’t.
Have you considered a Quorn Christmas? David Reece

Get into the festive spirit by not eating turkey this Christmas

If I say “Christmas dinner”, perhaps the following image is conjured up: a large table groaning under the weight of roast potatoes, parsnips, peas, Brussels sprouts, a jug of gravy, and in the centre “the…
Your mum was right: it’s good for you to eat your veggies. Yet a recent survey found one in four Australians ate none in a typical day. shashinjutsu/Flickr

Healthy diet, healthier planet

The way we currently produce food around the world contributes up to 20-30% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions and accounts for 70% of all human water use. But is it possible to eat well and take…
Dr Mark Post and his bred-in-a-bucket burger. Would you? David Parry/PA

Eight questions that need answers about lab-bred meat

The launch of the lab-bred “meat” in London was a masterly act of timing, theatre, and media management. But now that rabbit is out of the hat, there are questions that need to be asked, and answers that…
Consumers want cheap meat from happy animals - can farmers and supermarkets keep up? David Mitchell

Coles are the piggy in the middle of animal welfare confrontation

Last week, Coles supermarkets began selling shopping bags on behalf of animal rights campaigners Animal Australia. Following a backlash from farmers, Animals Australia withdrew the bags. But the stoush…

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