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Education – Articles, Analysis, Comment

Displaying 351 - 375 of 1097 articles

The forced slow down the pandemic offered may have long-lasting effects on children and families’ activities. (Shutterstock)

As kids’ activities reopen, parents share insights about keeping families active during COVID-19 shutdowns

Parents in a study discussed barriers and opportunities in encouraging children’s physical movement during COVID-19 — from arguing about warm clothing for outdoor play to finding local hiking trails.
Ontario is creating far below the 200,000 to 300,000 early learning and care spaces needed to address the demand that will arise as parent fees decline. (Benson Low/Unsplash)

What Ontario parents really need to know about the new early learning and child care agreement

Among provinces, Ontario is the least generous supporter of its childhood educator workforce. Parents pay the price in available child-care spaces if a staffing recruitment crisis does not improve.
More discussion is needed about how power shapes access to learning and speaking in a university environment. (Shutterstock)

Academic freedom can’t be separated from responsibility

When speakers seek to responsibly disseminate knowledge they must be aware of their audience and how what they are saying may resonate.
Gerald Antoine, Northwest Territories regional chief and Assembly of First Nations lead delegate to Rome, is flanked by Natan Obed, president of Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, left, and Cassidy Caron, Métis National Council president, in St.Peter’s Square in Rome, after their meeting with Pope Francis on April 1. (AP Photo/Alessandra Tarantino)

Pope Francis’s apology for residential schools doesn’t acknowledge institutional responsibility

As a theologian who studies church apologies for historical wrongs, I understand why the Pope was moved to speak this week, but I hope this was not his definitive apology.
People protest critical race theory outside the offices of the New Mexico Public Education Department in November 2021. (AP Photo/Cedar Attanasio)

Why does critical race theory make people so uncomfortable?

A vital step in achieving the kind of action and change that CRT proposes is for each of us to be intentional and steadfast in our convictions to dismantle racist and oppressive power structures.
A woman holds a child in her arms after crossing the border from Ukraine to Siret, Romania, on Feb. 25. Romania, which borders Ukraine, is seeing an influx of refugees as many flee the Russian invasion. (AP Photo/Andreea Alexandru)

How to talk to children about the invasion of Ukraine, and why those conversations are important

How to have important conversations with kids about world events like those taking place in Ukraine, and how to tailor them based on age and maturity levels — from child psychologists.
‘Racism kills, here, there and in the whole world,’ reads a sign in Mexico City, at the U.S. Embassy in May 2020, following protests after George Floyd’s murder. (AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell)

In Mexico, how erasing Black history fuels anti-Black racism

Nationalist myth has associated ‘true Mexicanness’ with being ‘meztizo’ — a racial and cultural mix of Indigenous and Spaniard, even while the state enacted policies to assimilate Indigenous Peoples.