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Articles on Consumers

Displaying 81 - 100 of 237 articles

In an era of data breaches and privacy intrusions, the majority of Canadians want paper bills. So why aren’t organizations listening to them? (Shutterstock)

A plea to businesses: Don’t take away our paper bills!

In an era of data breaches and data privacy concerns, governments should enshrine in law a requirement for companies and banks to send paper bills and statements in order to protect consumers.
Black female consumers outpace other consumer groups in a number of spending categories, notably personal care and hair products, but feel unappreciated by top brands. Peathegee Inc/Getty Images

Black women prefer hair products marketed with them in mind

With the fairly recent launch of an ethnic corporate product line, Pantene’s Gold Series Collection, are black women feeling the love?
President Donald Trump pictured with HHS Secretary Alex Azar on June 24, 2019, after signing initial legislation to require hospitals to reveal their prices. Caroline Kaster/AP Photo

What the Trump administration gets right about hospital price transparency

Would you buy a pair of shoes without knowing the price? Consumers have bought medical care from hospitals for years without knowing the costs, but new regulations will change that.
Bangladeshi child labourers work at a balloon factory in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Consumers must demand products made under favourable working conditions. (AP Photo/A.M Ahad)

The end of dangerous working conditions starts with informed consumers

The food we eat and the products we use should not contribute to human misery. While companies hold some blame, so do consumers who avoid dealing with the consequences of their purchasing decisions.

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