When boomers pick out an article of clothing for the elderly, they consider not only the practical aspects like comfort and ease of care, but also how the item will make them feel.
Bree Hurst, Queensland University of Technology; Carol Richards, Queensland University of Technology; Hope Johnson, Queensland University of Technology, and Rudolf Messner, Queensland University of Technology
A Senate enquiry has found both suppliers and customers of our supermarkets are struggling. Regulators have to find a way to rebalance the market, which doesn’t make these groups bear the cost.
Although it’s rooted in legitimate grievances, the ‘Steal from Loblaws Day’ campaign is not only illegal, but also fails to achieve its intended objective and risks undermining economic stability.
For decades, big-box retailers have evaded federal regulation of the pollution their operations generate. But a new air emission rule in Southern California could become a model for state controls.
Interim Director, UWA Public Policy Institute; Associate Professor & Programme Co-ordinator (Masters of Public Policy), The University of Western Australia