Businesses can now pass credit card surcharge fees along to their customers. To help businesses predict how consumers will react to credit card surcharges, behavioural economics offers some answers.
Most households pay a flat rate 24/7 for electricity although the cost of generating it fluctuates through the day. Wireless technologies are changing that system.
Mike Lee, University of Auckland, Waipapa Taumata Rau
New Zealand consumers are using boycotts of Russian products as a way to voice their disapproval of the war in Ukraine. But is this the best or only way for individuals to be heard?
One person out of three does not dare to turn to the supplier in case of problems. Feeling of shame, as well as doubts about the ability of the person they are dealing explain that figure.
Masud Ibrahim, AAM University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development and Robert E. Hinson, University of Ghana
The introduction of these technologies in Ghana has created an enabling platform for consumers to use their mobile phones to pay for goods and services
The US central bank said surging inflation is guiding its decision about when to lift interest rates. Two experts on financial markets explain what might happen next.
Marlene and Morton Meyerson Centennial Professor of Business, Department of Marketing and Department of Business, Government and Society, The University of Texas at Austin