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Articles on Diet

Displaying 581 - 600 of 673 articles

Among older adults living in the community, almost 10% are malnourished, while another 40% are considered to be at high risk of malnutrition. Kevin Dooley/Flickr

Starvation in the land of plenty: why Australians are malnourished

Malnutrition is a significant issue around the world, especially in developing countries. But it’s not just a problem for poor nations; a large number of older Australians also suffer from this insidious…
Daily kilojoule requirements are based on many variables, and no two people are the same across all of these parameters. Sarah Horrigan/Flickr

Health Check: how to work out how much food you should eat

Dietary guidelines broadly recommend a daily intake of 10,000 kilojoules (2,400 calories) for men and 8,000 kilojoules (1,900 calories) for women. But what do these figures mean in the context of the number…
A mother’s healthy and varied diet during pregnancy might give her child a head start to healthy eating. Bettina Neuefeind/Flickr

Passing on taste: how your mum’s diet affects what you eat

Our parents teach us what is to eat. But this process begins well before the fight to get toddlers to eat their veggies. Not only do our parents give us the genes that define our taste receptors, research…
Any improvements you can make to what you eat and drink will help stack the odds in your favour. Image Point Fr/Shutterstock

Health Check: five food tips that could save your life after a heart attack

Every ten minutes in Australia someone has a heart attack. For 17% this will be fatal; the rest get a second chance. If you have had a close call, these five food tips will help get your health back on…
A good diet is essential to maintaining a healthy weight and avoiding the risk factors for many chronic diseases. Rusty Stewart/Flickr

Healthy start: closing the gap on Indigenous childhood obesity

We’ve recently seen some encouraging improvements in closing the gap on Indigenous disadvantage: better educational outcomes, higher child immunisation rates, more health checks, and a 35% drop in the…
Some recommendations are straightforward: more fruit and veg, less alcohol and meat. But for calcium, it’s more complicated. ransomtech/Flickr

Six foods that increase or decrease your risk of cancer

If you believe cancer is a disease that strikes from nowhere with little in your control to prevent it, you’d be mistaken on both counts. Most cases of cancer are considered preventable by positive nutrition…
We enjoy a balanced diet today, but it seems our ancestors ate their greens too. Jordan Fischer/Flickr

What the crap? Neanderthals had a taste for vegetables

The evolution of diet is intimately linked to human evolution: from the use of tools to break nuts, collect insects or hunt game, to the use of fire allowing more calories to be extracted from the food…

VIDEO: Are raw foods good for you?

There are claims that cooking destroys nutrients and enzymes found in food, and that eating raw, uncooked foods must be better for you. But it’s not that simple and, as Tim Crowe explains, a pure raw-food…
Luckily, gluten-free diets don’t end here. Lettuce leaf by Shutterstock

Explainer: what is gluten intolerance?

Gluten intolerance covers a range of gut problems caused by ingesting proteins found in wheat, barley, rye and in some cases, oats. The three main groups affected are those with a direct sensitivity to…
Find a healthy eating regime you can stick to. foshydog/Flickr

Health Check: what’s the best diet for weight loss?

When it comes to weight loss, there are no magic tricks that guarantee success. What works for you is likely to be different to what works for your partner, neighbour or workmate. The best advice is to…

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