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Articles on Instagram

Displaying 141 - 160 of 238 articles

At Echo Point lookout in Katoomba, NSW, people watch smoke from the Green Wattle Creek fire beyond The Three Sisters rock formation. AAP/Steven Saphore

Friday essay: seeing the news up close, one devastating post at a time

Instagram bushfire images cut through our news fatigue. This developing brand of photojournalism brings authenticity and a different sense of proximity.
Ugandan opposition politician Bobi Wine takes a selfie with Zimbabwe’s opposition leader Nelson Chamisa Aaron Ufumeli/EPA-EFE

Politics and fashion: the rise of the red beret

Bobi Wine in Uganda does it; so do the Economic Freedom Fighters in South Africa. The red beret is worn to signify the revolutionary. Its power lies in a symbolism that combines art and politics.
Participants at the Montréal Pride Celebrations a decade ago. Researchers say there is an overemphasis on muscular and ‘masculine’ bodies in gay communities. Shutterstock

10-year Challenge reveals femmephobia in gay communities

For many gay men, social media and dating apps are hotbeds of body image struggles and rising toxic masculinity – the recent ‘10-year-challenge’ on Instagram showcases this femmephobia.
Insecurities young people have about their bodies are often exacerbated by unrealistic content on social media. From

In a virtual universe of ‘perfect’ bodies, Instagram’s new policy offers important protection for young users

Adolescence is a time of heightened vulnerability around body image. Instagram’s policy to stop teens viewing posts advertising weight loss ‘solutions’ and cosmetic procedures is socially responsible.
What people read online could really disrupt society and politics. igorstevanovic/

How disinformation could sway the 2020 election

The Russians won’t be alone in spreading disinformation in 2020. Their most likely imitator will be Iran. Also, Instagram could get even more infected with intentional misinformation than it has been.
A ‘revenge body’ is built to show someone how well you are doing without them. With the advent of social media the phenomenon is increasingly popular. Shutterstock

Your body as a weapon: the rise of the ‘revenge body’ online

The ‘revenge body’ was once the domain of celebrity gossip. But with the advent of social media, anyone can publicly display a ‘new’ body post break-up.
The body plays a crucial role in Instagram influencers’ selfies.

How highly sexualised imagery is shaping ‘influence’ on Instagram - and harassment is rife

A study of Instagram influencers has found most employ a highly sexualised aesthetic drawn from mainstream adult film. And many are subject to sexual harassment, ranging from aggressive comments to physical threats.
It is possible to limit your bombardment with images of bodies that feel way out of reach – so choose wisely who you follow. hannah grace / unsplash

Women can build positive body image by controlling what they view on social media

Do your Instagram viewing habits trigger joy or guilt? New research shows that viewing body positive content may actually improve women’s body image – at least in the short term.

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