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Artículos sobre Jobs

Mostrando 241 - 260 de 454 artículos

We’re entering the fourth industrial revolution, which isn’t a bad thing. But it does mean we need to take action. from

Jobs are changing, and fast. Here’s what the VET sector (and employers) need to do to keep up

Training providers and employers aren’t adapting fast enough to meet the skill needs thrown up by the fourth industrial revolution.
BeefLedger and QUT work with Mount Gambier High School students on food provenance, IoT and data science.

Creatives in the country? Blockchain and agtech can create unexpected jobs in regional Australia

A project to protect producers from food fraud by verifying and promoting the provenance of the region’s beef exports to China turned out to be a source of creative work in the region as well.
AI researchers think there is a 50% chance AI will outperform humans in all tasks in 45 years and that almost all current human jobs can be automated in 120 years. Shutterstock

Artificial intelligence may take your job, so political leaders need to start doing theirs

There is little evidence of any strategic planning by Australia’s federal and state governments to deal with social dislocation caused by AI-driven automation.

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